Top KPIs

We have some big outlandish goals. And KPIs to match it.


The goal to significantly reduce death rates and save lives is a serious and outlandish goal, and we have KPIs to match it. As Haypp Group expands, more people’s lives can be saved by quitting smoking.

Our KPIs

  • Global deaths by smoking yearly
  • Lives saved by quitting smoking
  • Percentage of Haypp Group consumers that have stopped smoking

Key figures

Lives saved

Full Year 2023

Years saved

Full Year 2023

Global deaths by smoking yearly

WHO 2020

Active consumers

Full Year 2024

Method for calculating

Method for calculating number of lives and years saved


The number of lives saved is calculated as:

  • the number of Haypp customers who states they have quit smoking with the help of Haypp’s products,

multiplied with

  • the share of former smokers who will be saved from a smoking-attributable death by quitting smoking.1

This figure is calculated for age-groups <35, 35-54, 55-64, 65-74 and 75+ respectively and then summed up.


The number of years saved is calculated as:

  • the number of Haypp customers who states they have quit smoking with the help of Haypp’s products,

multiplied with

  • the expected gain in life expectancy from quitting smoking.2

This figure is calculated for age-groups <35, 35-44, 45-54, and 55-64 respectively and then summed up.


Notes and references

1 The share of former smokers saved from a smoking-attributable death by quitting smoking is calculated as:

  • (at least) 50 per cent of smokers die from smoking, Jha (2020)

multiplied with

  • the reduced relative risk of former smokers, compared to smokers, dying in a smoking-attributable death (appr. 71 to 97 per cent depending on age), Jha (2020).


2 The gain in life expectancy is taken from Jha (2020).

Jha, Prabhat (2020): The hazards of smoking and the benefits of cessation: A critical summation of the epileptological evidence in high-income countries. eLife 2020;9:e49979.