Method for calculating number of lives and years saved
The number of lives saved is calculated as:
- the number of Haypp customers who states they have quit smoking with the help of Haypp’s products,
multiplied with
- the share of former smokers who will be saved from a smoking-attributable death by quitting smoking.1
This figure is calculated for age-groups <35, 35-54, 55-64, 65-74 and 75+ respectively and then summed up.
The number of years saved is calculated as:
- the number of Haypp customers who states they have quit smoking with the help of Haypp’s products,
multiplied with
- the expected gain in life expectancy from quitting smoking.2
This figure is calculated for age-groups <35, 35-44, 45-54, and 55-64 respectively and then summed up.
Notes and references
1 The share of former smokers saved from a smoking-attributable death by quitting smoking is calculated as:
- (at least) 50 per cent of smokers die from smoking, Jha (2020)
multiplied with
- the reduced relative risk of former smokers, compared to smokers, dying in a smoking-attributable death (appr. 71 to 97 per cent depending on age), Jha (2020).
2 The gain in life expectancy is taken from Jha (2020).
Jha, Prabhat (2020): The hazards of smoking and the benefits of cessation: A critical summation of the epileptological evidence in high-income countries. eLife 2020;9:e49979.