
A catalyst for change in the nicotine industry.


According to the World Health Organisation, around 8 million people die every year from smoking-related diseases. We contribute to society by inspiring people to choose healthier enjoyment. We believe that knowledgeable and enlightened people will always choose safe nicotine.

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Our higher purpose

Haypp Group’s business concept addresses one of the world’s biggest problems – how to end smoking. Our goal is to significantly reduce death rates and save lives.

Our promise

Our model

Haypp Group has a sustainable business model. Where other companies talk about their sustainability strategy,  we prefer to focus on our sustainable business model.

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Our top KPIs

global deaths by smoking yearly

WHO 2020

active Haypp customers

Full Year 2023

lives saved by using healthier alternatives

Full Year 2023

Our actions

To be able to reach our goals, and measured indicator within our work, several initiatives are put in place – as well as actions that are implemented continuously. These actions are concrete and strive towards the overall objective and higher purpose of Haypp Group.

Our selected goals

Haypp Group supports the global goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a universal call for action. Our business and its operations have a clear effect on several of the SGDs. Using the 17 goals, their 169 targets and associated indicators, we get a framework to follow and operate within to address the global challenges we face together. This is necessary to achieve sustainable development that allows both social development and economic growth without endangering the planet’s ecosystem or jeopardising the climate. We follow the development and strive to contribute to several of them.

A total of 8 out of the 17 SDGs are our focus goals. The main SDG for Haypp Group is identified as SDG 3 of Health and Wellbeing. This is in line with the higher purpose and core of our business – to inspire healthier enjoyment.

The UN Global Goals →