Board of directors


The board of directors consists of six ordinary members, including the chairman of the board, with no deputy board members, all of whom are elected for the period up until the end of the annual shareholders’ meeting 2025. The table below shows the members of the board of directors, when they were first elected and whether they are considered to be independent of the company and/or the major shareholders.

Name Position Member since The Company and executive management (independent of) The major shareholders (independent of)
Ingrid Jonasson Blank Chairman 2018 Yes Yes
Anneli Lindblom Board member 2021 Yes Yes
Linus Liljegren Board member 2016 Yes No
Patrik Rees Board member 2016 Yes No
Deepak Mishra Board member 2024 Yes Yes
Adam Schatz Board member 2024 Yes Yes

Ingrid Jonasson Blank

Born 1962. Chairman of the board since 2018.

BSc. School of Business at the University of Gothenburg.

Other current assignments:
Chairman of the board of directors in Kjell Group AB (publ) and Aim Apparel AB. Member of the board of directors in Bilia AB, City Gross Sverige AB, Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag, Hyber Group AB, Musti Group Oy (publ) and Forenom Group Oy

Previous assignments (last five years):
Member of the board of directors in Martin & Servera Aktiebolag, Ambea AB (publ), Kulturkvarteret Astrid Lindgrens Näs AB, Matse Holding AB (publ), BHG Group AB (publ), Orkla ASA ( publ) and Fiskars Group Oyj (publ). Chairman of the board of directors in Cosmetic Group Holding AS.

Own, closely associated person or legal person’s holding of shares:
Ingrid Jonasson Blank holds, as of 31 March 2023, 6,400 shares and 19,500 warrants in the company.

Anneli Lindblom

Born 1967. Board member since 2021.

Business and economics, Frans Schartau Business Institute.

Other current assignments:
CFO Pandox AB (publ), Member of the board of directors in i Logistea AB (publ), Member of the board of directors in Kollektivavtalsinformation Sverige AB and chairman of the board of directors in NoClds AB.

Previous assignments (last five years):
Member of the board of directors in Amasten Fastighets AB (publ) and Hemfosa Fastigheter AB. CFO and external CEO in Cabonline Holding Group AB. CFO and external deputy CEO in Acando AB (publ).

Own, closely associated person or legal person’s holding of shares:
Anneli Lindblom holds, as of 31 March 2023, 500 shares in the company.

Deepak Mishra

Born in 1971. Board member since 2024.

Master’s degree (MBA Marketing, Systems) from the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India and a Bachelor’s degree (BE, Hons, Computer Science) from Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, India.

Other current assignments:

Previous assignments (last five years):

Own, closely associated person or legal person’s holding of shares:
Deepak Mishra holds no shares in the company.

Linus Liljegren

Born 1990. Board member since 2016.

No formal education.

Other current assignments:
Member of the board of directors in Solafide Capital AB. Alternate board member in GR8 Ventures AB and Retentor AB.
Member of the board of directors in Solafide Capital AB. Alternate board member in GR8 Ventures AB and Retentor AB

Previous assignments (last five years):
Member of the board of directors in Snusbolaget Norden AB. Alternate board member and member of the board of directors in Rightstore AB, Slutplattan VAJLO 105784 AB, Slutplattan SPIKA 104909 AB. Alternate board member in Slutplattan UNTRO.

Own, closely associated person or legal person’s holding of shares:
Linus Liljegren holds, through partly-held company, as of 31 March 2023, 4,323,953 shares in the company


Patrik Rees

Born 1968. Board member since 2016.

Education in Process Engineering, Electronics & Microdata Engineering, IHM Business School (incomplete degree).

Other current assignments:
Chairman of the board of directors in Gotland Padel Center AB. Chairman and member of the board of directors in e-Business Partner Norden AB. Member of the board of directors in Icehotel Aktiebolag, Lekia Online AB, Eastcoast Capital AB, ProteinBolaget i Sverige AB, Babyland Online Nordic AB, Kalk Management AB, Tofta Intressenter AB and Corlin Eyewear AB.

Previous assignments (last five years):
Chairman of the board of directors in Frank Agency AB and Haypp Group AB (publ). Chairman and member of the board of directors in Snusbolaget Norden AB and Klövern Visby AB. Hillmarketing AB, Stor & Liten AB, Stockfiller AB and FöretagsCentrum i Oskarshamn (FCO) Ekonomisk Förening

Own, closely associated person or legal person’s holding of shares:
Patrik Rees holds, through company, as of 31 March 2023 3,612,423 shares in the company.

Adam Schatz

Born 1974. Board member since 2024.

Master’s degree (M Sc) in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.

Other current assignments:
President and CEO of Nuent Group AB and has board assignments for companies within the Nuent Group.

Previous assignments (last five years):

Own, closely associated person or legal person’s holding of shares:
Adam Schatz holds, as of 30 May 2024, 1000 shares in the company.