Financial Key Figures


Amounts in MSEK 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net sales 460.1 802.4 1,729.2 2,266.8 2,598.8 3,165.7
Gross profit x x 224.9 248.7 328.5 402,6
Adjusted EBIT x x 38.3 41.5 58.5 78.2
Profit/loss for the period x x -27.8 -27,6 20.1 5

Segment breakdown

Amounts in MSEK Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023
Net sales per business unit:
Core markets 540.8 525.3 514.4 564.8 615.5 586.6 573.6 631.8
Growth markets 99.3 102.3 116.3 135.7 165.8 182.2 195.3 214.9
EBITDA per business unit:
Core markets 40.9 43.5 42.3 47.3 50.4 41.4 45.6 50.1
Growth markets -18.0 -18.5 -17.0 -18.2 19.8 -11.8 -12.7 -13.2
EBITDA margin per business unit (%):
Core markets  7.6 8.3 8.2 8.4 8.2 7.7 8.0 7.9
Growth markets -18.1 -18.1 -14.6 -13.4 -11.9 -6.5 -6.5 -6.1
Number of orders (thousand):
Core markets  824 789
Growth markets 137 138
Average order value (SEK):
Core markets 624 625
Growth markets 700 713
Active customers (thousand):
Core markets  343 340 355 376 401 383 390 414
Growth markets 71 72 76 82 100 103 105 117


Definition Reason for use
Net sales growth, % Change in net sales growth for the period. Shows whether the Company’s business is expanding or contracting.
Gross profit, MSEK Net sales for the period minus cost of goods sold. Shows the profitability and the financial performance of the Company’s business.
Gross margin, % Gross profit as a percentage of net sales. The measure is an indicator of the Company’s gross earnings ability.
Gross profit growth, % Change in net sales growth for the period minus cost of goods sold for the period. Shows change in the profitability and the financial performance of the Company’s business.
EBIT margin, MSEK Operating profit/loss (EBIT) as a percentage of net sales. Shows operating profit/loss in relation to net sales and is a measurement of the profitability in the Company’s operational business.
Adjusted EBIT, MSEK EBIT excluding amortization and impairment losses on acquisition-related intangible asset and items affecting comparability. Shows results of the Company’s operational business excluding amortization that arises as a result of accounting treatment of purchase price allocations in conjunction with acquisitions and items that affect comparison with other periods.
Adjusted EBITDA margin, % EBIT margin adjusted for amortization and impairment losses on acquisition-related intangible assets and items affecting comparability. Shows EBIT margin excluding amortization that arises as a result of accounting treatment of purchase price allocations in conjunction with acquisitions and items that affect comparison with other periods.
EBITDA, MSEK EBIT excluding depreciation/amortization and impairment of assets. Shows the ability of the Company’s operations to generate resources for investment and payment to capital providers.
EBITDA margin, % EBITDA as a percentage of net sales. A profitability measurement that is used by investors, analysts and the Company’s management for evaluating the Company’s profitability.
Adjusted EBITDA, MSEK EBITDA adjusted for items affecting comparability. Shows EBITDA excluding items that affect comparison with other periods.
Adjusted EBITDA margin, % EBITDA margin adjusted for items affecting comparability. Shows EBITDA margin excluding items that affect comparison with other periods.
Adjusted operating expenses, MSEK Operating expenses adjusted for items affecting comparability. Shows the expenses from the Company’s operational business excluding items that affect comparison with other periods.
Net debt, MSEK Non-current lease liability, other non-current liabilities, bank overdraft, current lease liability, liabilities to credit institutions and cash and cash equivalents. Shows how much cash would remain if all debts were paid off.
Net debt/ adjusted EBITDA, x Net debt in relation to adjusted EBITDA. Shows financial risk and is an indication of repayment capacity.
Items affecting comparability Significant items affecting comparability, including significant consulting and advisory costs, acquisition, integration and restructuring costs, and significant legal costs. Refers to items that are reported separately as they are of a significant nature and are relevant for understanding the financial performance when comparing the profit/loss for the current period with the previous periods.