Code of Conduct introduced
As we grow, both in business and the number of employees, the need to have clear guidelines on how we operate is paramount. The Code is not only a declaration of how we act and the standards we commit to, but it’s also a tool for compliance and gaining experience.
The Code was first rolled out in 2021, which all employees and full-time consultants have to review and complete an e-training on. With many new employees joining the company, this has made it especially hard to cover 100 % of the target group, and for 2023 the result is 93 %.
Code of Conduct →
Consumer promise and satisfaction
When consumers are asked, the most important aspect for them are that the promise given at the purchase is met. This means that the right product is delivered in the right way and at the right time. Consumers are asked for their opinion, which results in a consumer satisfaction score. For 2023 the consumer satisfaction score was 70.7 out of 100.
In order to continuously deliver successfully to our current and future consumers, we must hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards.
Supplier Code
In each of the negotiations we have with suppliers of goods, we include references to our Supplier Code, which the supplier signs or present a similar declaration from their side.
We have updated our measurement method for 2023 and the 77 % figure reported for 2023 covers the percentage of goods suppliers who have signed our own Supplier Code of Conduct.
For the future, there is an initiative to implement similar agreements with suppliers of transport and delivery services, which are utilised in the delivery of orders to our consumers, and we hope to be able to present more about in the near future.
If you have worries about misconduct and wish to remain completely anonymous, please use the online whistleblower function to make your report. When reporting a case in the whistleblowing channel, we will process your personal data. When submitting a case you acknowledge that you have read the Whistleblowing Privacy Notice below.
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Being a catalyst for change
We take pride in driving the transformation of the nicotine industry as well as being part of the change from traditional brick-and-mortar retail to e-commerce. When asking our business partner if they consider Haypp Group as a force for this change, we are rated 3.9 out of 5 in 2023.