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Sustainability results & data
We are a catalyst for change.
Environmental topics
Haypp Group is continually seeking new ways to reduce the use of non-renewable material, and replace with certified materials from sustainable sources. Most material Haypp Group purchases are for packaging of orders sent out from our warehouses. We also encourage our partners to take similar steps. Among the material purchased in 2023 for the Swedish warehouse, corrugated cardboard stands for the largest share of material. It is made from at least 95 per cent renewable material and is recyclable. In total 161 ton of cardboard was used for orders shipped to customers. The previously used e-commerce bags have been changed to paper bags.
Haypp Group’s electricity consumption in Sweden comes from renewable energy sources. The warehouse today has about 60 per cent sourced from solar panels and the rest purchased, while the office electricity is fully from wind power. For the facilities outside of Sweden, the data has not been available.
In addition to above, the energy consumption pertained to ventilation and heating was approximately 72 000 kWh for the warehouse and 23 000 kWh for the head office, while the cooling amounted to 14 500 kWh.
We have, for several years, engaged in a dialogue with transportation providers to access data on our carbon emissions from our shipments. This year, we have made progress in our efforts to map these emissions both in Sweden and in other markets. In our downstream transportation chain, we can now report the majority of our emissions. We have a comprehensive overview for Sweden and Norway. We have a partially comprehensive overview of the rest of Europe and an inadequate overview of the USA. This is largely due to Nordic transportation providers being ahead in offering data, while there are still significant barriers to accessing the data we have requested in other markets.
The Carriers’ carbon footprint that we have managed to measure for 2023 amounts to 227.5 tCO2e.
Waste is generated upstream and downstream in our value chain. The upstream waste is mainly a product of the manufacturing process, which includes effluents. For a better understanding, we direct those interested to the larger suppliers’ comprehensive sustainability reporting. Downstream, waste is generated by packaging used in transportation and delivering customer orders.
We are in dialogue with our suppliers and business partners to reduce waste in the value chain and use recycled and biodegradable packaging, especially in terms of the primary packaging, which for nicotine products often is a plastic can. The waste collection of primarily paper, metal, wood and plastic from the Swedish warehouse had an emission saving of 43,665 kg CO2.
In the Stockholm office, we have a waste management system where waste is sorted and measured. The carbon impact from office waste is currently greater than the savings, with a load of 873 kg CO2 and savings of 319 kg CO2. We will continue to assess how this can be monitored in the future.
Supplier environmental assessment
All suppliers must fulfil the environmental aspects of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Social topics
We make a constant effort to listen to all our employees’ opinions and voices. We try to take into consideration what it is like to be employed by Haypp Group. With our temperature measuring, we get an overall value which is possible to benchmark with others organisations.Throughout the year, we have consistently invested in our culture to promote collaboration, innovation, inclusivity, and execution.
The model we have established is a winning concept for creating high levels of both well-being and ensuring a high degree of accountability among our employees. It is the delicate balance between the two that needs to be achieved to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and learn new things.
Occupational health and safety
Haypp Group has a reporting system for occupational health and safety management for employees in Sweden and Norway. Weekly employee surveys are conducted to measure the pulse of how the various teams are doing and functioning. There are several safety routines and procedures for the warehouses and employees working within these roles compared to employees mainly working in our offices.
Training is provided to all employees on occupational health and safety routines, particular training applies to warehouse staff.
Training and education
Training and development opportunities are given to employees based personal development plans to best cater to everyone’s needs as well as aspirations. We encourage all employees to partake in training and develop skillsets. All employees have annual mid-year and end-ofyear reviews relating to performance and career development. Managers are encouraged to focus on coaching respective team members.
Furthermore, there are certain mandatory training given depending on role and responsibility, for example, the Code of Conduct (applicable to all), marketing regulation, and health & safety procedures.
Diversity and equal opportunity
Haypp Group undertake salary comparison between roles for its Swedish employees. Roles are divided into eight categories to be evaluated with comparable positions and responsibilities. In 2022, the gender pay gap decreased between men and women, and this trend has continued into 2023. The latest salary comparison shows that there are currently no differences between genders among senior specialists and middle managers.
Even among specialists, the gender pay gap has closed. Among junior specialists in 2023, we have hired more women than men for roles in digital professions, which has driven pay differences in favor of women. We have more men than women in roles as senior managers, but the gender pay gap is in favor of women in this category. Since the top category, management level consists only of men, there are no differences to report in this regard.
We will continue to closely monitor the gender pay gap in the future. However, it is particularly important to apply extra awareness of equal opportunities when it comes to filling top-level positions. These positions, however, have low turnover within the company, so a change is expected to take time. In terms of other remuneration, there are no significant differences recorded between similar roles and responsibility.
Human rights assessment
All operations have been subject to human rights reviews as a part of the work to develop the Code of Conduct. When new facilities or operations are added, it includes such an assessment. New employees undertake e-learning on the Code of Conduct as well as being part of each manager’s responsibility to cover during onboarding, including full-time consultants.
Social supplier assessment
All suppliers of tobacco and nicotine products are required to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which, among other things, stipulates the need to respect human rights and adhere to ILO conventions. In the majority of cases, suppliers sign our Supplier Code of Conduct, in some instances, both parties may use their respective Codes of Conduct, and in very few cases, only the counter-party’s Code of Conduct is used, provided it is equivalent to our own Code of Conduct. Haypp Group did not identify any negative social impacts among its product suppliers in 2023.
Commitment to quality
All our nicotine products must fulfill the legal requirements, and in the absence of regulation on oral nicotine products, Haypp Group initiated the testing of all oral nicotine products, setting an industry standard to ensure that the products sold on the platforms meet high-quality standards. If the products do not meet these standards, Haypp Group will not sell them.
Marketing and labeling
There are strict laws and regulations relating to the marketing and labelling of tobacco and nicotine products. However, all markets have not yet, or to a sufficient extent, regulated tobacco-free nicotine products. In the event such products are unregulated in a specific market, Haypp Group still applies the same principles with respect to age verification and responsible marketing as would have been the case in a regulated market.
Haypp Group has not had any incidents of noncompliance with regulations or voluntary codes relating to information and labelling during 2023.
Privacy and data protection
The provision of products to our customers imply that we are entrusted with processing their personal data. Such personal data processing and the protection of our customers’ personal data is of great importance for Haypp Group.
During 2023 the Group proactively took measures to strengthen its cybersecurity. These actions included introducing new software and services across the Group both for internal and external security to awareness training among the staff of common points of attack and frauds commonly used in today’s cyberattacks.
The company has not received any customer complaints relating to its personal data processing during 2023.
A vital part of the Code of Conduct is the opposition towards any form of bribery or corruption. Employees are urged to report any suspicions of incidents related to corruption. During 2023 no such incidents have been reported.
No incidents of discrimination have been reported.