Interview with Haypp Group’s CFO Svante Andersson

2022-09-01 10:30

In an interview with the Swedish-based equity researcher Analyst Group, Haypp Group’s CFO Svante Andersson explains the driving forces that will shape the market in the coming years and gives his perspective on Haypp Group’s financial targets and challenges.

“There is a strong underlying demand for healthier alternatives to smoking, and here you have to bear in mind that there are around 1 billion smokers globally, so the market is huge. Legislators worldwide have realised that they should focus on harm reduction measures rather than bans if they want to affect public health. This has led to all major tobacco manufacturers focusing and spending considerable resources on developing healthier products where nicotine pouches are the fastest growing category,” explains Svante Andersson, CFO of Haypp Group. He continues on the topic of Haypp Group’s targets:

“We do not place too much emphasis on short-term targets for the current year, but we focus on the long-term perspective. We have a financial target of achieving net sales of at least SEK 5 billion in 2025. To achieve this, we will primarily focus on organic growth to feed back into our strategy. This should be seen in the light of the fact that we see continued strong growth in the category, where we expect an average of roughly 40 per cent annual growth to 2025 and a continued increase in online penetration. We see that our growth markets will grow faster than the main markets as the category is less established in the growth markets but is growing incredibly strongly, especially online.”

Read the full interview (in Swedish) here.

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Haypp in brief
The Haypp Group is spearheading the global transformation from smoking to risk-reduced product alternatives. With origins in Scandinavia, our extensive experience from pioneering markets in smoke-free alternatives, as well as being a leader in the e-commerce sector, is now bringing our vision to a global scale. With ten e-commerce store brands, the Haypp Group is present in seven countries where we served more than 680,000 active consumers during 2021.

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