Haypp Group strengthens its sustainability efforts

2023-10-20 14:00

Haypp Group’s sustainability efforts revolve around providing the financial market with the best information about the company’s environmental impact, its societal impact, and how corporate governance is implemented. In an interview in Dagens opinion, Emma Ophus, the new Head of Sustainability and EU Affairs, discusses the overarching sustainability strategy.

“At Haypp Group, the sustainability strategy is directly aligned with our business strategy. Therefore, it involves a lot of continuously developing and improving our internal processes, collaborating with our employees and partners,” says Emma.

Emma has a previous background as a political advisor in the European Parliament, and thus, she has valuable experience of working in Brussels, where the most significant challenges lie.

“It’s frustrating that the regulatory development is heading in the wrong direction, and political decisions actively hinder sustainable development. In Sweden, the first risk-reducing decision was recently made in many years, which is positive. However, in the EU, many legislators are guided more by superstition than by research and facts.”

“Haypp Group’s sustainability work primarily revolves around providing the financial markets with the best possible information about Haypp Group’s impact on the environment, the social responsibility we undertake, and how our corporate governance is implemented. The goal is to attract the right capital to Haypp Group as the sustainable investment in the future that we are. Furthermore, especially considering the addictive products we sell, we aim to objectively present the financial risks associated with our operations,” says Markus Lindblad, Communications Director at Haypp Group, and continues:

“But as a company, we also need high-quality reporting on sustainability issues, not only in our daily operations but also in how we plan our business five to ten years ahead. This is where Emma, with her unique background, and our new sustainability organization, will contribute to Haypp Group’s financing and how we identify and manage our future risks and opportunities. By recruiting Emma, we are taking the next step towards better dialogue with our partners.”

Read the full interview with Emma (in Swedish) here.

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