HAYPP Group releases the report “Snusrapporten” on oral nicotine consumption in Norway

2021-09-03 14:00

The HAYPP-owned website Snuslageret.no just published a new and extensive report on consumer trends within oral tobacco- and nicotine consumption in Norway. One key finding is the significant shift from smoking to safer alternatives. In the survey, 52 percent of the snus users answered that they are previous smokers that have managed to quit by using oral nicotine products such as snus and nicotine pouches. The release of the report and findings presented in “Snusrapporten 2020/2021” were covered earlier this week by the leading Norwegian news outlet Nettavisen:
“Every other user of snus is in other words a former smoker. This shows that the product is used as a smoking cessation product”, says Tale Thune-Haugerud, chief editor of Snusrapporten to Nettavisen.
Read the full article (in Norwegian) here.
Snusrapporten 2020/2021 (in Norwegian) is available for download here.

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