Growth in Norway driven by customer satisfaction

2021-03-31 08:15

E-commerce industry magazine Ehandel pays attention to Haypp Group's growth in Norway. increased its turnover by 40 percent and landed at 740 million Swedish kronor in Sweden, while Norwegian delivered even better. In Norway, sales increased by as much as 190 percent to a total of 800 million Norwegian kronor.

– As for Covid-19 affecting sales, we saw a large increase in Norway in March. In other respects, the growth is driven by increased customer satisfaction, with new customers increasingly staying with us. This is also in line with the revised strategy that the company adopted in 2020, which is based on increasing the number of returning customers to a greater extent than, for example, increasing the number of boxes sold, says Markus Lindblad, Head of External Affairs at Haypp Group.

Full article (in Norwegian) here

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